13 Tips to Summer Cleansing – Learn How to Slim Down Naturally
This may be the perfect time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life as we get ready for summer. Therefore, you may want to consider a guided juice cleanse retreat, which allows you to completely relax, but also reboot your body for optimal wellness.
Depending on your lifestyle, you can either join a retreat, or if you are discipline enough you can do this at home. I offer tips on the later as well as recommend my 10-Day Purium Cleanse (which can be used pre or post cleanse of my wellness retreats). See my two new locations I am currently offering my 5 Day Juice Fasting Retreats by Vida Cleanse.
Back to the benefits of juice cleansing…a juice detox pushes everything out of your system and rejuvenates your liver, kidneys and intestines. Some say it’s a spiritual experience. As a result, very few experience hunger as your body is fed juices, broths and teas for a cleansing AND nutrition.
If you are doing this at home with wholefoods, essential nutrients are required to keep the metabolism functioning optimally. When cleansing, it is important to select ingredients that do not cause extra stress and damage to the body. Staying healthy is a combination of good digestion, proper nutrition, and choosing foods that help control blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar drops, the body stores calories as fat, so the goal is to eat foods that are highly nourishing, full of nutrients and fiber, and create a feeling of satiety. The key to staying healthy, shedding a few pounds, and actually maintaining this weight is to implement new healthy habits and eating styles—and then to keep them. The body does not respond well to reduced-calorie yoyo dieting, and this rapid weight loss actually causes the body to store fat.
This summer cleanse uses a whole food approach, and the suggested habits and recommendations can be integrated into real life allowing for sustainable change.
The longer the better!
You can also use this prior to a cleansing program or for maintenance.

- Eating simple whole foods in their whole form is best Processed foods are depleted of valuable nutrients and packed full of chemicals and sugars. Retrain your taste buds to enjoy a fresh carrot or simple slices of cucumber with lemon juice and sea salt.
- Staying hydrated stops you from overeating. Very often when we feel hungry, it is often a sign of dehydration. It is best to drink lots of water before and after meals but not during. Water helps the body detoxify, which keeps the digestive system healthy. Sip on teas and water throughout the day; try to consume 1 cup of water, tea, or other liquid every 30 minutes, except 30 minutes before or after meals. A small glass of warm water with lemon or tea is acceptable during meals if you need something. My favorite summer drink is cold mint tea with chlorophyll and lemon.
- Eating high-fiber foods helps the body stay full. Fiber increases the calories spent breaking down the actual food and helps create a sense of satiety. Fiber helps the body eliminate toxins and keeps the digestive system healthy so that the nutrients can be properly absorbed into the body. Good examples are lentils, beans, collard greens, grapefruit, asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower.
- Exercising, sleeping, and not stressing are all unbelievably and equally important and can help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone responsible for fat formation in the body. Cortisol levels increase when we are stressed or tired. Exercise reduces cortisol levels and is necessary for detoxification and overall health of the cardiovascular system. It also helps facilitate the movement of toxins out of the body. Every day, complete 30 to 45 minutes of exercise, followed by deep breathing and stretching.
- Detoxification can be aided by dry brushing, saunas and steams, detox baths, and cold showers. They are an excellent way to help release toxins. They are also all great for increasing the health and appearance of the skin before summer and for encouraging stress reduction. It’s important to dry brush your skin and end with one minute of cold water when you shower. This helps to move toxins in the skin.
- Eating healthy proteins has been shown to increase levels of satiation. When cleansing and trying to lose weight, a diet high in protein and vegetables has shown to be ideal. Vegetarian options include lentils, sprouted legumes, quinoa, chickpeas, nuts, hemp hearts, spirulina, raw sunflower seeds, chia, almonds, kale, eggs, sprouts, broccoli, and organic edamame. Animal-based options include sardines, mackerel, herring, canned wild salmon or wild salmon, and trout. I tend to choose protein sources high in omega-3’s. If you choose to eat poultry, make sure it is hormone-free.
- Breakfast and lunch should be focused on protein. When we start off with a blood sugar blast (from refined carbohydrates and sugar), we crash and get hungry again. Eating protein, high-fiber vegetables, and healthy fats will help us feel satiated for longer.
- Dinner should focus on vegetables with lots of leafy greens. The meals here are designed to control blood sugar, with lower glycemic index foods and limited protein, as this is harder on the system at night and should be restricted to the day. The goal is to avoid raising blood sugar levels before bed, and by not eating too much, also allowing the body to focus on rest and recovery while giving the digestive system a break. Eating at night can also cause excess weight gain, as these calories are not utilized as efficiently as in the day. For your last meal of the day, choose something from the dinner examples (below) and try to finish eating at least four hours before you plan on going to sleep. If you are hungry before bed, drink warm tea.
- When snacking, sip on green soup or have a handful of celery and carrots or almonds. Have a small vegetable-dense snack if you are hungry later in the afternoon.
- Variety should factor into our meals. During summer we have access to lots of fresh produce. In order to receive proper nutrients, it is ideal to eat a variety of foods.Doing this helps us access an array of nutrients (try rotating greens and choosing new fruits). How we prepare them can also affect this; ideally eat a mixture of raw and cooked.
- Over-consumption of food puts stress on the body and can affect the health of our digestive system, not to mention that it may cause us to gain weight. Try not to eat until you are stuffed. Use smaller plates and bowls, and give yourself time once you have finished 80 percent of your food to sit and notice how you feel. This will leave more energy for digestion and you will end up eating less.
- Every morning drink 1 1/2 cups of warm water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and take a probiotic.
- If you have a bathtub, add 1 cup of Epsom salts to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes at the end of the day. Add lavender oil or 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar if you have it.
What to avoid:
Sugar: The highs and lows from sugar cause the body to hold onto weight! Not to mention that sugar also depresses the immune system and wreaks havoc on many other internal functions.
Alcohol: Alcohol offers unnecessary ingredients, so if the focus is to lose weight, alcohol should be avoided. It puts a lot of extra stress on the liver, which makes it harder to cleanse.
Coffee: Avoid caffeine to give the liver a break. If you absolutely need it, have one cup a day max, and opt for black.
Dairy and gluten: Gluten and dairy are common triggers of inflammation, and when cleansing it is best to take them out of the diet to give the body a chance to reset. If it feels good, keep them out.
Processed foods: Always avoid these!
Important ingredients:
Apples, blueberries, and raspberries support elimination and supply phytonutrients to the body.
Apple cider vinegar has been shown to suppress fat storage in the body and aids in digestion by promoting the production of digestive enzymes. It has also been shown to reduce blood sugar spikes after eating and in turn curbs hunger.
Asparagus is rich in glutathione, which is helpful in the destruction of free radicals and detoxification.
Cayenne and red chili peppers have been shown to increase metabolic rates and may act as a mild appetite suppressant. They also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Cruciferous vegetables are some of the most important vegetables you can eat. A combination of protein, fiber, sulfur-containing compounds, and low energy density make cruciferous vegetables the perfect foods to include in your meals. They are especially useful for weight loss and also extremely valuable for digestive health. A few to mention: Broccoli (also loaded with vitamin C, which boosts calcium absorption), cauliflower, cabbage, and collard greens should all play a large part in your diet.
Chlorella and spirulina are both blue-green algae packed with protein, chlorophyll, and B vitamins. They contain detoxifying and cleansing properties.
Eggs are a good source of protein, iodine, and vitamin D.
Fermented and cultured foods (like sauerkraut and kimchi) are good for digestion. These fermented foods help keep the flora of the gut healthy.
Grapefruit helps control insulin levels, and studies have shown that eating grapefruit before meals can help control the way the blood sugar affects the body.
Lentils are a great source of protein, full of fiber, and provide antioxidant protection.
Lemons aid in digestion and help control blood sugar levels.
Sardines and other fatty fish are high in omega 3’s and an excellent protein source.
Whether you cleanse at home or join my guided retreats…remember…Your Health Is Your Wealth!
Yesenia Johnson
Vida Cleanse by Yesenia
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