
Purium – Biome Medic

Product Benefits

Protect your gut from GMOs with this exclusive and proprietary formula of all-natural ingredients. This product can help flush harmful toxins, support “good” bacteria and repair your microbiome. Check out the video below for more!

  • Awarded Gold Seal by the Detox Project as a glyphosate detox solution
  • Double-blind trial showed decrease in glyphosate by 74%
  • Double-blind trial showed decrease in C-reactive protein by 75%

Included are 2 FREE downloads of “The Toxin That Came to Dinner”. An e-book PDF download & audio book read by Dave Sandoval download will be sent via email.

Suggested Use/Ingredients

Ingredients: PrebioSure™ Digestive Wheat Germ Extract, Chicory Root Fiber Extract, HumicSure™ Fulvic & Humic acid blend, Lactospore®
Other Ingredients: Cellulose capsule Lactospore® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corp.

Suggested Use: For maintenance, take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening with water. Can be taken with or without food.

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