



Book 7 days in advance for a 10% discount

Andreas Canyon Trail
Whitewater Preserve

The desert in Greater Palm Springs is full of natural beauty and wonder just waiting to be explored.  Join Yesenia as she leads you through the desert’s most beautiful trails, each designed for various levels of exercise.  The focus is on fun, body wellness, and connection with nature.  Imagine yourself in a small group of 2-20 wandering through an Oasis of (type of) palm trees, or across the field of (what), or up the gentle slopes of (where), capturing yourself in glorious the perfect photo along the way to post your fun and accomplishments.

Read about all the hikes below.  Then pick the day and time from the calendar for the one you’d like to join and book in 3 clicks.

(Why pay to go with Yesenia.  What’s the benefit.)

Hiking near Palm Springs during Yesenia's Vida Cleanse retreat


Palm Canyon Hike
Palm Canyon Hike
Palm Canyon Hike

Palm Canyon “A Day in the Oasis” Hike

Palm Canyon is one of the areas of great beauty in Western North America. Its indigenous flora and fauna, which the Cahuilla people so expertly used, and its abundant Washingtonia filifera (California Fan Palm) are breathtaking contrasts to the stark rocky gorges and barren desert lands beyond. A moderately graded foot path winds down into the canyon for picnicking near the stream, meditation, exploring, hiking or horseback riding. While in Palm Canyon visit the Trading Post for hiking maps, refreshments, Indian art and artifacts, books, jewelry, pottery, baskets, weaving, and conversational cultural lore

This trail is one of the most scenic trails in the Indian Canyons. It is best to access this trail by hiking a mile south on the Palm Canyon Trail. The victor Trail will take the hiker out of the shade of the palm trees, up and onto the ridge that overlooks the canyon and return the hiker to the Trading Post making a three mile loop.

This is a fun hike for 20’s-60’s.  We’ll spend time in the XXX, and look for YYY.  There’s some cool ZZZ and I’m going to play my ukulele for y’all.

Length:  X miles, out and back

Elevation: 300 feet

Difficulty Rating:  Easy to Moderate

What to expect:  Lots of palm trees, some shade, sandy trail

Check Dates

Whitewater Preserve “Summit ‘dem mountains” Hike

Whitewater Preserve is 2,851 acres surrounded by the Bureau of Land Management’s San Gorgonio Wilderness and includes the year-round Whitewater River. Rich riparian habitat hosts the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher and least Bell’s vireo, and provides opportunity to see migrating summer tanagers and vermilion flycatchers.

The canyon has a robust population of bighorn sheep, deer and bear, and is an important wildlife corridor between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains. The Wildlands Conservancy purchased an additional 3,200 acres in the Whitewater corridor that were donated to the Bureau of Land Management. These donated lands include sand dunes that are home to the endangered fringe-toed lizard at Windy Point, which lies at the confluence of the Whitewater and San Gorgonio Rivers.

On this hike, we’ll XXX and YYY and it’ll be fun because of ZZZ.

Length:  X miles, out and back

Elevation: XX feet

Difficulty Rating:  Moderate

What to expect:  Rocks, lots of rocks.  Some shade, rocky trail.

Check Dates
Whitewater Preserve
Whitewater Preserve
Whitewater Preserve

Choose your hike.  Choose your date.

Check out the calendar below.  I update it weekly with new hikes.  Look for the hike and day, and click on it.  Most hikes are $20, some longer ones are a little more.  To reserve your spot, just click on it!

For more information or any questions,
contact Yesenia Johnson at 760-641-9385 or 760-335-6928, or email via this form.

Current Hike Calendar:

[product_category per_page=”6″ columns=”4″ orderby=”menu_order title” order=”ASC” category=”hikes”] INQUIRE


(Here’s what to expect. Here’s how I run my hikes.  Again here’s what I provide.

Legalese.  Not responsible for…  My services include knowledge, etc.  You are responsible for your saftey and taking precautions.)


(Here’s what to bring)

(Here’s how to prepare)